Friday, August 10, 2007

Chocolates without cacao

There is a report on some of the chocolate manufacturers wanting to make chocolates using vegetable oils and not cacao in US. Well, who is stopping them? But the problem is they want to call it chocolate. A trick to take consumers for a ride. They want to benefit from the cheaper inputs, but want to still call it chocolates and make money out of consumers by misleading them. The contents are generally in fine print where nobody reads it.

The other side of argument is as long as people like what they get and pay the price why not?

Well the brand chocolate brand has been build around cacao. The Cacao is from the equatorial countries, which are generally not well off. That’s whom these manufacturers want to hit. Lower the demand for cacao and push the prices down. Would they dare to do it if cacao was grown was grown in a developed country?

It is an outrageous plan. Why not call it vegolates? Where do they find buyers for that?

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